Par of FOR YOU Services Group (
If you already have an Invitation Code (that you received after subscribing as a full access user or as a service provider), scroll to the bottom of this page to input the code and sign up. If not, please read below to learn how to subscribe and join our app.
Welcome to "FOR YOU" Services Erotic Massage Service Hub (as seen at, where we facilitate connections between the very best erotic massage freelance service providers, and our great cliental.
Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the following sign-up guidelines:
- To be able to access our ServiceHub as a client who can freely communicate with, and schedule services with our listed freelance service providers, you must pay the monthly subscription fee (you can cancel at any time). Once you pay your subscription fee, you will then be sent an invitation email to join (which will include an Invitation Code), required to create an account on this site. You will then be able to freely schedule the listed freelance service providers as you desire, for free.
- Pay your subscription fee here > (and read more below about being sent your invitation below)
- Once you receive the invitation email (check your spam and trash email boxes), begin by creating an account, by entering your "Invitation Code" which you will receive when your invitation email arrives (scroll down below to see an image of where the Invitation Code must be added).
- Please Note: Your entered name is publicly visible, so be aware of this as you sign up. Perhaps consider entering a name in the "Display Name" field. This Display Name will then be your visible site name (you can update the display name by navigating to your profile, and updating the Display Name field).
- During registration, be sure to confirm your account by checking your email and clicking on the "confirm your email address" link.
- Once you create an account, you can then "Log in" and communicate with and book any service provider you would like to have attend your home or apartment. You freely communicate and arrange the service by messaging the provider back and forth through our platform. Of course you will have to pay the service provider the hourly rate they list on their listing.
- Important Notes:
- Your Invitation Code is necessary to be able to create your account on our site (see image below). Subscribe here to be able to receive your Invitation Email (and Code).
- Our platform is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, so take the time to explore, search for available freelancers.
- Always be professional and respectful to the listed service providers, otherwise your account will be suspended.
- You must adhere to all local laws, state and federal, so be sure to ensure you and the service provider adhere to applicable laws as required. It is your responsibility to do so.
- You must adhere to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies to use our site. If you do not adhere to our Terms and Conditions, please leave our site.
- Our Privacy Policy can be seen here >
- Our Terms and Conditions (Terms of Service) can be seen here >
- If you have any questions or concerns, please go here to submit an inquiry or message to our support team.
- Common Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Rules are seen here >

- If you are a service provider, you must undertake service provider verification and adhere to our listing guidelines to be able to list a post / service listing on this website.
- Once you complete service provider verification here > (you must submit a form with your details and proof of ID), you will then be sent a formal invitation email to be able to join our site, and list your own listing.
- When you create your listing, please ensure your created listing is professional and has a good amount of detail about yourself.
- To have your Listing Published you must:
- Provide a professional and representative service offering / product offering.
- Not list any nude images (in any form). Tight clothing, gym outfits, lingerie, sexy outfits are fine, yet not visible nudity (no see through clothing etc).
- You are permitted to blur images of your face if you prefer, in your listing images.
- Include quality detail to correctly articulate and define your service offering.
- Validate/verify your ID and Images (service provider verification) in your listing. To do this, you must follow the steps requested on our Listing Guidelines page here.
- Pledge to not offer any sexual services. The service offerings are only intended to offer an entertaining spin on traditional domestic services, so please keep it strictly professional and entertaining.
- Important Notes:
- Our platform is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, so take the time to explore, search for available freelancers, or set up your own service offering as desired.
- You must adhere to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies to use our site, and create a profile and listing. If you do not adhere to our Terms and Conditions, please leave our site.
- Our Privacy Policy can be seen here >
- Our Terms and Conditions (Terms of Service) can be seen here >
- If you have any questions or concerns, please go here to submit an inquiry or message to our support team.
- We do offer some recommendations regarding safety, security and support here >.
We look forward to providing you with a professional and welcoming experience on the "FOR YOU" Services platform.
Remember that as a client you need to subscribe to receive the invitation code.
If you have received your Invitation Code, received after subscribing to become a full access user or to become a service provider, please enter the code below, together with your details to sign up
Terms of Service for Erotic Massage "FOR YOU".
Terms of Service
Last updated: 25 July 2024.
Please read these terms of service carefully before using Our Service.
A. Overarching Terms of Service (providing fundamental service conditions and terms)
You must be 18 or over to use and review this website. If you are not 18 or over, please leave this site now. To use this website you must also agree to these Terms of Service (in their entirety), and our Privacy Policy (both seen in the footer of the ServiceHub, this site). If you do not agree to our Terms of Service or Privacy Policy, please leave this website now.
When You Subscribe
Once you pay a subscription fee, you are then able to communicate and book any massage therapist on our platform (for free), within your city limits. You must of course pay the massage therapist the rate they require per hour which is listed on each service providers profile, for the service you are looking for.
When you book a service provider through this site you agree to the following conditions including:
- You will pay the service provider the amount as listed in their profile listing (in body of listing/details) on arrival to your home. On arrival this must be paid to ensure funds are present. You understand the subscription fee is separate, over and above the service cost listed in the service providers listing.
- You agree to not encroach upon, or invade the personal space of the service provider, and to act professionally with the freelance service provider at all times and with due respect. And to follow laws and regulations that apply to your district, city or region.
- You understand that the service provider is a freelancer, and provides the service independently, and not in any connection to the websites, or
- You are to respect the service providers privacy and not take images or video of the provider under any circumstances. Should you do this you will be prosecuted.
- Only 1 client is permitted to be present at the booking location for any service offered. No other people are to be present or attend or be permitted in any location where a service is taking place. No one under the age of 18 can be present in the property where service is to take place.
- You are aware the service provider will only enter any address as agreed during the booking process and communications between yourself and the provider, and that you will be held liable for all costs incurred should an incorrect address be provided, or misrepresentation take place.
- You accept that we will progress recoveries processes should you breach our terms and submit a charge back (see further about this, below in the REFUNDS POLICY).
- You accept that you will be professional, respectful, reasonable and work with the service provider through our platform to find a mutually agreeable time for the service to take place, once you initiate the process to discuss a service date and time with our providers. And you agree to be professional during this process, to not be rude or vulgar and to only discuss the services that have been presented and are legally acceptable in your state, region or district. And to not waste the service providers time.
- You accept the and (for US) / (for UK) Terms and Conditions (and Terms of Service) and Privacy Policies.
- You indemnify and hold harmless the owners and representatives of, and domain owners and operators from any and all claims resulting from use of the websites (domains), services procured as displayed on the websites, listing your own services on this website, or any action in connection with use of the websites including but not limited to any and all interactions between service providers and website users, both digitally and in person.
- You accept the service providers act wholly independently.
- You accept to check your SPAM and TRASH email boxes for your Invitation Code, should you believe this has not been sent.
Restrictions on Use for Investigative or Research Purposes
In using our service, you acknowledge and agree to the following specific restriction:
- Sole Purpose of Booking Service Providers: You agree that your use of the,,, and related domains is strictly limited to the purpose of booking service providers as outlined on our platform. You are not permitted to use the website, its services, or any information obtained therein for any investigative or research purposes. This includes, but is not limited to, data mining, market research, academic research, journalistic investigation, or any form of inquiry that extends beyond the explicit intent of booking service providers as offered on our site.
Violation of this term will be considered a serious breach of our Terms of Service and may result in immediate termination of your account, legal action, and other remedies as deemed necessary by us to protect our interests and those of our users and service providers.
Can I be Naked too?
Generally speaking, yes you can also be naked when the service provider is working. So long as you abide by the above (including following local laws and regulations) and below points you are permitted to act in any way you would normally within your own flat or home. Remember to keep the blinds closed. However, you must never encroach upon the service providers personal space, and you must be respectful at all times.
Liability and Responsibility
FOR YOU Services (the operators of, or, or any country specific domain or subdomain of these domains) accepts no responsibility or liability for the services provided by our freelance team.
Erotic Massage is a fun and entertaining spin on traditional domestic massage services. It needs to be undertaken in a respectful and supportive environment.
Before booking a service provider, you must accept the following terms and conditions:
1. You have read and understand the Rules / FAQs that we provide our services under, which is detailed in the footer of the webpage.
2. That you will be respectful to the massage service provider (you maybe cheeky / playful yet do not be dis-respectful). We recognise you may get "excited", yet please keep your composure and do not encroach on the massage providers personal space.
3. That you will neither harass nor subject the massage provider to any degrading verbal instructions.
4. That you will not encroach on or invade the massage providers personal space
5. That you understand that the massage provider will report into the central hub (or confidant) to update them of progress during their visit at defined times (start, middle, completion).
6. Payment needs to be made on ARRIVAL to the massage provider (COMMONLY REQUESTED AS CASH ONLY) at the massage location. This is important as it ensures the funds are available to them and they will be paid as agreed.
7. That you follow local laws and regulations applicable to you.
8. That you will check your SPAM and TRASH email boxes for your Invitation Code, should you believe this has not been sent.
At all times the massage provider is to be respected. If you will not support this approach, you must leave the website now and not book any service provider.
This is a generic message where while we believe 99% of our customers act in a good spirit, we must still provide these pointers / statements to ensure a positive and professional environment for the listed service providers.
Refunds policy: We do not refund. We have a no refunds policy on our subscription fee.
When you purchase through For You Services Group ( and you are purchasing the right to subscribe and then access our ServiceHub as a "full access user", and are able to directly message and speak to service providers in your region, to arrange service provision. You have the ability to message service providers directly through our platform in a safe and secure manner.
When you pay the subscription fee, you must be aware you must also pay the service provider the "hourly" rate as displayed on each of their profiles, on arrival to your home (the service provider will travel to your address). You pay this to them directly in person, on arrival to your address (ensuring funds are present, a necessity and this is only fair to the provider).
The onus is on the subscriber (full access user) to be reasonable and professional in arranging and scheduling a massage. Be professional in your communication and fair. Each of our service providers will have existing schedules, including professional and personal, so you must work in with them and must not "demand", when using our service.
Should you subscribe and not be successful in communicating with at least one service provider during your subscribed to month, please contact us at and we will extend your subscription until you are successful.
Should you have not received your "Invitation Code" after payment of your subscription fee, it is very likely that your Invitation Code email will be found in your SPAM or TRASH email boxes. This will have been explained to you on the subscription payment success page. We always send the Invitation Code within 4 hours of your payment (usually within 1 hour). PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM OR TRASH EMAIL BOX.
2 Queries per week: Within your Invitation Email, we explain that you are permitted a maximum of 2 queries to service providers in your region - per week, to ensure that service providers are not inundated with SPAM quick fire messages. This is a measure to ensure legitimacy in your queries (to not waste providers time and effort), and to prevent contact mining, to ensure your intent is thoughtful. The platform is to be used professionally and reasonably.
Should you choose to charge back your subscription fee, we are entitled and will submit a "recoveries fee", which will be enforced by a local collections agency. Do not request refunds or charge backs under any circumstances where you have not adhered to our Terms of Service and are not acting in accordance with our Terms of Service which you adhere to when signing up and paying the subscription fee. The Recoveries Fee will be reasonably set at $120USD (US) by us, yet the enforcement agency fee will greatly outweigh this fee in the order of $400USD, so please do not charge back. The fee (our fee element of $120USD is due to the administration time and effort taken to process and respond to charge backs.
You are responsible for maintaining and cancelling your own subscription. Not us. Please contact your bank to cancel the subscription, or PayPal, which ever is appropriate to you.
- The laws and legalities regarding erotic massage service provision throughout the USA, and the states, counties, territories, districts and localities within the United States of America are complex. Erotic Massage "FOR YOU" (and parent, "FOR YOU SERVICES"), and this ServiceHub (, and accepts no responsibility in regard the complex legal terms and laws and impact of those terms or laws on our freelance massage providers in a client's home, for any state, territory or locality. We state that the services offered on this site are not sexual in any way, rather it is "natural and free massage service", and a service providing a fun and entertaining twist on traditional massage services, which we believe should be described as "entertainment". The freelance service providers who list their services on this site pledge to not provide any sexual services, or additional services other than those as advertised.
- We offer the service providers the ability to simply offer "tight clothed" massaging in their listings, which we firmly believe is not sexual in any manner.
- It is the service providers and clients responsibility to be aware of all legal (legalities and laws) matters for each state, the state that they provide services in, and to adhere and act within the boundaries of the legal framework for their respective state, county, territory or locality. It is the massage providers and client's responsibility to be aware of the legalities and to work within the law. Erotic Massage FOR YOU (FOR YOU SERVICES), or accepts no responsibility for the impact of the law on our service providers or clients, and both our listed service providers and clients indemnify us against any and all legal claims.
- The Massage Providers / Service providers are also able to offer standard massage offerings, should they be required to by state or county law (or as defined by the laws within your state, county or locality).
B - Detailed Terms of Services
1 - Interpretation and Definitions
1.1 - Interpretation
The words of which the initial letter is capitalized have meanings defined under the following conditions. The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in the singular or in the plural.
1.2 - Definitions
For the purposes of these Terms of Service:
Account means a unique account created for You to access our Service or parts of our Service.
Affiliate means an entity that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with a party, where "control" means ownership of 50% or more of the shares, equity interest, or other securities entitled to vote for the election of directors or other managing authority.
Application means the software program provided by the Company or Operator downloaded by You on any electronic device, named Erotic Massage FOR YOU ServiceHub.
Buyer refers to users of the Service who are placing Orders for Goods.
Country refers to United States and United Kingdom.
Company (referred to as either "the Company", "We", "Us" or "Our" in this Agreement) refers to Erotic Massage FOR YOU ServiceHub (seen at, Erotic Massage For You (seen at and FOR YOU Services Group (seen at and our operators, website creation and update technicians, agents, directors and domain owners.
Content refers to content such as text, images, or other information that can be posted, uploaded, linked to, or otherwise made available by You, regardless of the form of that content.
Device means any device that can access the Service such as a computer, a cell phone, or a digital tablet.
Feedback means feedback, innovations, or suggestions sent by You regarding the attributes, performance, or features of our Service.
Good refers to the items or services offered for sale, rental, auction, contact, or any other means of trading on the Service.
Operator (referred to as either "the Operator", "We", "Us" or "Our" in this Agreement) refers to Erotic Massage FOR YOU ServiceHub (seen at, Erotic Massage For You (seen at and FOR YOU Services Group (seen at and our operators, website creation and update technicians, agents, directors and domain owners.
Order means a request by You to purchase or trade by any means Goods on the Application or Website.
Seller refers to users of the Service who are listing Goods and making them available for trade by any means.
Service refers to the Application or the Website or both.
Terms of Service (also referred to as "Terms") mean these Terms of Service that form the entire agreement between You and the Company or Operator regarding the use of the Service. This Terms of Service agreement was generated by TermsFeed and fine-tuned by Sharetribe.
Third-party Social Media Service means any services or content (including data, information, products, or services) provided by a third party that may be displayed, included, or made available by the Service.
Website refers to Erotic Massage FOR YOU ServiceHub, accessible from
You means the individual accessing or using the Service, or the company, or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Service, as applicable.
2 - Contact Us
If you have any questions about these Terms of Service, You can contact us:
By email:
By visiting this page on our website:
3 - Acknowledgment
These are the Terms of Service governing the use of this Service and the agreement that operates between You and the Company or Operator. These Terms of Service set out the rights and obligations of all users regarding the use of the Service.
Your access to and use of the Service is conditioned on Your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms of Service. These Terms of Service apply to all visitors, users, and others who access or use the Service.
By accessing or using the Service You agree to be bound by these Terms of Service. If You disagree with any part of these Terms of Service then You may not access the Service.
You represent that you are over the age of majority according to the laws of your country or the Country, whichever is higher. The Company or Operator does not permit those under that age to use the Service.
Your access to and use of the Service is also conditioned on Your acceptance of and compliance with the Privacy Policy of the Company or Operator. Our Privacy Policy describes Our policies and procedures on the collection, use, and disclosure of Your personal information when You use the Application or Website and tells You about Your privacy rights and how the law protects You. Please read Our Privacy Policy carefully before using Our Service.
4 - Governing Law
The laws of the Country, excluding its conflicts of law rules, shall govern these Terms and Your use of the Service. Your use of the Application or Website may also be subject to other local, state, national, or international laws.
4.1 - For European Union (EU) Users
If You are a European Union consumer, you will benefit from any mandatory provisions of the law of the country in which you are resident.
4.2 - United States Legal Compliance
You represent and warrant that (i) You are not located in a country that is subject to the United States government embargo, or that has been designated by the United States government as a "terrorist supporting" country, and (ii) You are not listed on any United States government list of prohibited or restricted parties.
4.3 - Severability
If any provision of these Terms is held to be unenforceable or invalid, such provision will be changed and interpreted to accomplish the objectives of such provision to the greatest extent possible under applicable law and the remaining provisions will continue in full force, and effect.
4.4 - Waiver
Except as provided herein, the failure to exercise a right or to require the performance of an obligation under these Terms shall not affect a party's ability to exercise such right or require such performance at any time thereafter nor shall the waiver of a breach constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach.
5 - User Accounts
5.1 - Account Creation
When You create an account with Us, You must provide Us with information that is accurate, complete, and current at all times. Failure to do so constitutes a breach of the Terms, which may result in immediate termination of Your account on Our Service.
You may not use as a username the name of another person or entity or that is not lawfully available for use, a name or trademark that is subject to any rights of another person or entity other than You without appropriate authorization, or a name that is otherwise offensive, vulgar or obscene.
5.2 - Account Information
You may be asked to supply certain information relevant to Your Account including, without limitation, Your name, Your email, Your phone number, and Your address.
You may have to provide documents to comply with identity verification.
Before or during posting Goods, you may be asked to supply, without limitation, Your bank account details, and Your identity documents.
Before or during placing an Order, you may be asked to supply, without limitation, Your credit card number, the expiration date of Your credit card, Your billing address, and Your shipping information.
5.3 - Account Review
Unless part of a feature of the Service, We do not perform background checks or endorse any users. We do not accept any responsibility for the reliability, accuracy, and completeness of any information provided by users.
5.4 - Account Password
You are responsible for safeguarding the password that You use to access the Service and for any activities or actions under Your password, whether Your password is with Our Service or a Third-Party Social Media Service.
You agree not to disclose Your password to any third party. You must notify Us immediately upon becoming aware of any breach of security or unauthorized use of Your account.
5.5 - Account Termination
We may terminate or suspend Your Account immediately, without prior notice or liability, for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation if You breach these Terms of Service. Upon termination, Your right to use the Service will cease immediately.
If You wish to terminate Your Account, You may simply discontinue using the Service or delete Your Account from the Service, or contact Us for help.
6 - Content
6.1 - Your Right to Post Content
Our Service allows You to post Content. You are responsible for the Content that You post to the Service, including its legality, reliability, and appropriateness.
By posting Content to the Service, You grant Us the right and license to use, modify, publicly perform, publicly display, reproduce, and distribute such Content on and through the Service. You retain any and all of Your rights to any Content You submit, post, or display on or through the Service and You are responsible for protecting those rights. You agree that this license includes the right for Us to make Your Content available to other users of the Service, who may also use Your Content subject to these Terms.
You represent and warrant that: (i) the Content is Yours (You own it) or You have the right to use it and grant Us the rights and license as provided in these Terms, and (ii) the posting of Your Content on or through the Service does not violate the privacy rights, publicity rights, copyrights, contract rights or any other rights of any person.
6.2 - Content Restrictions
The Company or Company or Operator is not responsible for the content of the Service's users. You expressly understand and agree that You are solely responsible for the Content and for all activity that occurs under your account, whether done so by You or any third person using Your account.
You may not transmit any Content that is unlawful, offensive, upsetting, intended to disgust, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, or otherwise objectionable. Examples of such objectionable Content include, but are not limited to, the following:
Unlawful or promoting unlawful activity.
Defamatory, discriminatory, or mean-spirited content, including references or commentary about religion, race, sexual orientation, gender, national/ethnic origin, or other targeted groups.
Spam, machine, or randomly–generated, constituting unauthorized or unsolicited advertising, chain letters, any other form of unauthorized solicitation, or any form of lottery or gambling.
Containing or installing any viruses, worms, malware, trojan horses, or other content that is designed or intended to disrupt, damage, or limit the functioning of any software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment or to damage or obtain unauthorized access to any data or other information of a third person.
Infringing on any proprietary rights of any party, including patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, right of publicity, or other rights.
Impersonating any person or entity including the Company or Operator and its employees or representatives.
Violating the privacy of any third person.
False information and features.
The Company or Operator reserves the right, but not the obligation, to, in its sole discretion, determine whether or not any Content is appropriate and complies with these Terms, refuse or remove this Content. The Company or Operator further reserves the right to make formatting and edits and change the manner of any Content. The Company or Operator can also limit or revoke the use of the Service if You post such objectionable Content. As the Company or Operator cannot control all content posted by users and/or third parties on the Service, you agree to use the Service at your own risk. You understand that by using the Service You may be exposed to content that You may find offensive, indecent, incorrect, or objectionable, and You agree that under no circumstances will the Company or Operator be liable in any way for any content, including any errors or omissions in any content, or any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of your use of any content.
6.3 - Content Backups
Although regular backups of Content are performed, the Company or Operator does not guarantee there will be no loss or corruption of data.
Corrupt or invalid backup points may be caused by, without limitation, Content that is corrupted prior to being backed up or that changes during the time a backup is performed.
The Company or Operator will provide support and attempt to troubleshoot any known or discovered issues that may affect the backups of Content. But You acknowledge that the Company or Operator has no liability related to the integrity of Content or the failure to successfully restore Content to a usable state.
You agree to maintain a complete and accurate copy of any Content in a location independent of the Service.
6.4 - Intellectual Property of Others and Copyright Infringement
We respect the intellectual property and copyrights of others. You may be held accountable for damages (including costs and attorneys' fees) for misrepresenting that any Content is infringing Your copyright. It is Our policy to respond to any claim that Content posted on the Service infringes a copyright or other intellectual property infringement of any person.
We are ready to comply with local regulations in that matter (Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), EU Copyright Directive, ...).
If You are a copyright owner or authorized on behalf of one, and You believe that the copyrighted work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement that is taking place through the Service, You must submit Your notice in writing to the attention of our copyright agent via email (see 3 - Contact Us) and include in Your notice the following information related to the alleged infringement:
An electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright's interest.
A description of the copyrighted work that You claim has been infringed, including the URL (i.e., web page address) of the location where the copyrighted work exists or a copy of the copyrighted work.
Identification of the URL or other specific location on the Service where the material that You claim is infringing is located.
Your address, telephone number, and email address.
A statement by You that You have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
A statement by You, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in Your notice is accurate and that You are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf.
Upon receipt of a notification, the Company or Operator will take whatever action, in its sole discretion, it deems appropriate, including removal of the challenged content from the Service.
7 - Orders of Goods
By placing an Order for Goods through the Service, You warrant that You are legally capable of entering into binding contracts.
7.1 - Position of the Service in Orders
Our role is one of a facilitator between You and the Sellers, using the Service. We are, therefore, a third party in Orders, which limits Our liabilities in any disputes between You and the Sellers.
We are not a party to any agreement You have with the Sellers. Any agreement You enter with the Sellers does not form a part of any agreement We have with you.
7.2 - Your Information as Buyer
If You wish to place an Order for Goods available on the Service, You may be asked to supply certain information relevant to Your Order including, without limitation, Your name, Your email, Your phone number, Your credit card number, the expiration date of Your credit card, Your billing address, and Your shipping information.
You represent and warrant that: (i) You have the legal right to use any credit or debit card(s) or other payment method(s) in connection with any Order; and that (ii) the information You supply to us is true, correct, and complete.
By submitting such information, You grant us the right to provide the information to payment processing third parties for purposes of facilitating the completion of Your Order.
7.3 - Availability, Errors, and Inaccuracies
We and Sellers are constantly updating Our offerings of Goods on the Service. The Goods available on the Service may be mispriced, described inaccurately, or unavailable, and Sellers and We may experience delays in updating information regarding the Goods on the Service and in Our advertising on other websites.
We and Sellers cannot and do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information, including prices, product images, specifications, availability, and services. We reserve the right to change or update information and to correct errors, inaccuracies, or omissions at any time without prior notice.
7.4 - Prices Policy
The Company or Operator and Seller reserve the right to revise their prices at any time prior to accepting an Order.
The prices quoted may be revised by the Company or Operator subsequent to accepting an Order in the event of any occurrence affecting delivery caused by government action, variation in customs duties, increased shipping charges, higher foreign exchange costs, and any other matter beyond the control of the Company or Operator or the Seller. In that event, You will have the right to cancel Your Order.
7.5 - Payments
Payment can be made through various payment methods we have available. We rely on payment gateways that have their own terms of service and their own limitations.
Payment cards (credit cards or debit cards) are subject to validation checks and authorization by Your card issuer. If we do not receive the required authorization, We will not be liable for any delay or non-delivery of Your Order.
7.6 - Service Fees
We may charge You some fees (and applicable Taxes) for the right to use the Service. More information about when service fees apply and how they are calculated is displayed during your Order. We reserve the right to change the service fees at any time.
7.7 - Order Modification
You and the Sellers are responsible for any Order modifications you agree to make via the Service and agree to pay any additional amounts, fees, or taxes associated with any Order modification.
7.8 - Order Cancellation
7.8.1 - Our Order Cancellation Rights
We reserve the right to refuse or cancel Your Order at any time for certain reasons including but not limited to:
Goods availability
Errors in the description or prices for Goods
Errors in Your Order
Mistakes from the Seller
We reserve the right to refuse or cancel Your Order if fraud or an unauthorized or illegal transaction or trade is suspected.
7.8.2 - Order Cancellation by Buyers
If You as a Buyer cancel an Order, the amount You paid (including the Service fees) is not refunded.
If something outside Your control requires You to cancel an Order, or if You think your Order should be refunded, contact Us.
7.8.3 - Order Cancellation by Sellers
If You as a Seller cancel an Order, the amount the Buyer paid (including the Service fees) will be refunded to the Buyer and will not be transferred to the Seller.
If something outside Your control requires You to cancel an Order, or if You think your Order should be refunded, contact Us.
7.9 - Order Dispute
If a Buyer or a Seller disputes an Order, the Company or Operator should be notified. The dispute will be resolved at Our sole discretion.
8 - Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability
8.1 - Limitation of Liability
Notwithstanding any damages that You might incur, the entire liability of the Company or Operator and any of its suppliers under any provision of this Terms and Your exclusive remedy for all of the foregoing shall be limited to the amount actually paid by You through the Service or 100 USD (or its equivalent in the Service local currency) if You haven't purchased anything through the Service.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall the Company or Operator or its suppliers be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, loss of data or other information, for business interruption, for personal injury, loss of privacy arising out of or in any way related to the use of or inability to use the Service, third-party software and/or third-party hardware used with the Service, or otherwise in connection with any provision of this Terms), even if the Company or Operator or any supplier has been advised of the possibility of such damages and even if the remedy fails of its essential purpose.
Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or limitation of liability for incidental or consequential damages, which means that some of the above limitations may not apply. In these jurisdictions, each party's liability will be limited to the greatest extent permitted by law.
8.2 - "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" Disclaimer
The Service is provided to You "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" and with all faults and defects without warranty of any kind. To the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, the Company or Operator, on its own behalf and on behalf of its Affiliates and its and their respective licensors and service providers, expressly disclaims all warranties, whether express, implied, statutory, or otherwise, with respect to the Service, including all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement, and warranties that may arise out of the course of dealing, performance, usage or trade practice. Without limitation to the foregoing, the Company or Operator provides no warranty or undertaking, and makes no representation of any kind that the Service will meet Your requirements, achieve any intended results, be compatible or work with any other software, applications, systems, or services, operate without interruption, meet any performance or reliability standards or be error-free or that any errors or defects can or will be corrected.
Without limiting the foregoing, neither the Company nor Operator nor any of the company's providers makes any representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied: (i) as to the operation or availability of the Service, or the information, content, and materials or products included thereon; (ii) that the Service will be uninterrupted or error-free; (iii) as to the accuracy, reliability, or currency of any information or content provided through the Service; or (iv) that the Service, its servers, the content, or e-mails sent from or on behalf of the Company or Operator are free of viruses, scripts, trojan horses, worms, malware, timebombs or other harmful components.
Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain types of warranties or limitations on applicable statutory rights of a consumer, so some or all of the above exclusions and limitations may not apply to You. But in such a case the exclusions and limitations set forth in this section shall be applied to the greatest extent enforceable under applicable law.
8.3 - Links to Other Websites
Our Service may contain links to third-party websites or services that are not owned or controlled by the Company or Operator.
The Company or Operator has no control over and assumes no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party websites or services. You further acknowledge and agree that the Company or Operator shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services available on or through any such web sites or services.
We strongly advise You to read the terms of service and privacy policies of any third-party websites or services that You visit.
8.4 - Translation Interpretation
These Terms of Service may have been translated if We have made them available to You on our Service. You agree that the original English text shall prevail in the case of a dispute.
9 - Disputes Resolution about the Service
If You have any concerns or disputes about the Service, You agree to first try to resolve the dispute informally by contacting the Company or Operator.
10 - Intellectual Property of the Service
The Service and its original content (excluding Content provided by You or other users), features, and functionality are and will remain the exclusive property of the Company or Operator and its licensors.
The Service is protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws of both the Country and foreign countries.
Our trademarks and trade dress may not be used in connection with any product or service without the prior written consent of the Company or Operator.
11 - Your feedback to Us
You assign all rights, title, and interest in any Feedback You provide the Company or Operator. If for any reason such assignment is ineffective, You agree to grant the Company or Operator a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide right and license to use, reproduce, disclose, sub-license, distribute, modify and exploit such Feedback without restriction.
12 - Changes to these Terms of Service
We reserve the right, at Our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time. If a revision is material We will make reasonable efforts to provide at least 30 days notice prior to any new terms taking effect. What constitutes a material change will be determined at Our sole discretion.
By continuing to access or use Our Service after those revisions become effective, You agree to be bound by the revised terms. If You do not agree to the new terms, in whole or in part, please stop using the Application or Website and the Service.
If you are the owner of Erotic Massage "FOR YOU", visit to get started with creating your Terms of Service.
Privacy Policy for Erotic Massage "FOR YOU" ServiceHub (as seen at
Last updated: 25 July 2024.
This Privacy Policy describes Our policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of Your information when You use the Service and tells You about Your privacy rights and how the law protects You.
We use Your Personal data to provide and improve the Service. By using the Service, You agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy was generated by TermsFeed and fine-tuned by Sharetribe.
Please read this Privacy Policy carefully before using Our Service.
1 - Interpretation and Definitions
1.1 - Interpretation
The words of which the initial letter is capitalized have meanings defined under the following conditions. The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in the singular or in the plural.
1.2 - Definitions
For the purposes of this Privacy Policy:
Account means a unique account created for You to access our Service or parts of our Service.
Affiliate means an entity that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with a party, where "control" means ownership of 50% or more of the shares, equity interest, or other securities entitled to vote for the election of directors or other managing authority.
Application means the software program provided by the Company or Operator downloaded by You on any electronic device, named Erotic Massage FOR YOU ServiceHub.
Business refers to the Company or Operator as the legal entity that collects Consumers' personal information and determines the purposes and means of the processing of Consumers' personal information, or on behalf of which such information is collected and that alone, or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of consumers' personal information.
Company (referred to as either "the Company", "We", "Us" or "Our" in this Agreement) refers to Erotic Massage FOR YOU ServiceHub (seen at, Erotic Massage For You (seen at and FOR YOU Services Group (seen at and our operators, website creation and update technicians, agents, directors and domain owners.
. For the purpose of the GDPR, the Company or Operator is the Data Controller.
Consumer, refers to You.
Cookies are small files that are placed on Your computer, mobile device or any other device by a website, containing the details of Your browsing history on that website among its many uses.
Country refers to United States and United Kingdom.
Data Controller, for the purposes of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), refers to the Company or Operator as the legal person which alone or jointly with others determines the purposes and means of the processing of Personal Data.
Device means any device that can access the Service such as a computer, a cellphone, or a digital tablet.
Do Not Track (DNT) is a concept that has been promoted by US regulatory authorities, in particular the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), for the Internet industry to develop and implement a mechanism for allowing internet users to control the tracking of their online activities across websites.
Operator (referred to as either "the Operator", "We", "Us" or "Our" in this Agreement) refers to Erotic Massage FOR YOU ServiceHub (seen at, Erotic Massage For You (seen at and FOR YOU Services Group (seen at and our operators, website creation and update technicians, agents, directors and domain owners. For the purpose of the GDPR, the Company or Operator is the Data Controller.
Personal Data is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual.
For the purposes of GDPR, Personal Data means any information relating to You such as a name, an identification number, location data, online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity. For the purposes of the CCPA, Personal Data means any information that identifies, relates to, describes or is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with You.Sale, means selling, renting, releasing, disclosing, disseminating, making available, transferring, or otherwise communicating orally, in writing, or by electronic or other means, a Consumer's personal information to another business or a third party for monetary or other valuable consideration.
Service refers to the Application or the Website or both.
Service Provider means any natural or legal person who processes the data on behalf of the Company or Operator. It refers to third-party companies or individuals employed by the Company or Operator to facilitate the Service, to provide the Service on behalf of the Company or Operator, to perform services related to the Service or to assist the Company or Operator in analyzing how the Service is used. For the purpose of the GDPR, Service Providers are considered Data Processors.
Third-party Social Media Service refers to any website or any social network website through which a User can log in or create an account to use the Service.
Usage Data refers to data collected automatically, either generated by the use of the Service or from the Service infrastructure itself (for example, the duration of a page visit).
Website refers to the Erotic Massage FOR YOU ServiceHub, accessible from
You means the individual accessing or using the Service, or the company, or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Service, as applicable.
Under GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), You can be referred to as the Data Subject or as the User as you are the individual using the Service.
2 - Contact Us
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, You can contact us:
By email:
By visiting this page on our website:
3 - Collecting and Using Your Personal Data
3.1 - Types of Data Collected
3.1.1 - Personal Data
While using Our Service, We may ask You to provide Us with certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify You. Personally identifiable information may include, but is not limited to:
Email address
First name and last name
Phone number
Address, State, Province, ZIP/Postal code, City
Bank account information
Credit card number and expiration date
Usage Data
3.1.2 - Usage Data
Usage Data is collected automatically when using the Service.
Usage Data may include information such as Your Device's Internet Protocol address (e.g. IP address), browser type, browser version, the pages of our Service that You visit, the time and date of Your visit, the time spent on those pages, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data.
When You access the Service by or through a mobile device, We may collect certain information automatically, including, but not limited to, the type of mobile device You use, Your mobile device unique ID, the IP address of Your mobile device, Your mobile operating system, the type of mobile Internet browser You use, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data.
We may also collect information that Your browser sends whenever You visit our Service or when You access the Service by or through a mobile device.
3.1.3 - Information from Third-Party Social Media Services
The Company or Operator may allow You to create an account and log in to use the Service through the following Third-party Social Media Services. These Third-party Social Media Services, may include, but is not limited to:
If You decide to register through or otherwise grant us access to a Third-Party Social Media Service, We may collect Personal data that is already associated with Your Third-Party Social Media Service's account, such as Your name, Your email address, Your activities or Your contact list associated with that account.
You may also have the option of sharing additional information with the Company or Operator through Your Third-Party Social Media Service's account. If You choose to provide such information and Personal Data, during registration or otherwise, You are giving the Company or Operator permission to use, share, and store it in a manner consistent with this Privacy Policy.
3.1.4 - Tracking Technologies and Cookies
We use Cookies and similar tracking technologies to track the activity on Our Service and store certain information. Tracking technologies used are beacons, tags, and scripts to collect and track information and to improve and analyze Our Service. The technologies We use may include:
Cookies or Browser Cookies. A cookie is a small file placed on Your Device. You can instruct Your browser to refuse all Cookies or to indicate when a Cookie is being sent. However, if You do not accept Cookies, You may not be able to use some parts of our Service. Unless you have adjusted Your browser setting so that it will refuse Cookies, our Service may use Cookies.
Web Beacons. Certain sections of our Service and our emails may contain small electronic files known as web beacons (also referred to as clear gifs, pixel tags, and single-pixel gifs) that permit the Company or Operator, for example, to count users who have visited those pages or opened an email and for other related application or website statistics (for example, recording the popularity of a certain section and verifying system and server integrity).
Cookies can be "Persistent" or "Session" Cookies. Persistent Cookies remain on Your personal computer or mobile device when You go offline, while Session Cookies are deleted as soon as You close Your web browser.
We use both Session and Persistent Cookies for the purposes set out below:
Necessary / Essential Cookies
Type: Session Cookies
Administered by: Us
Purpose: These Cookies are essential to provide You with services available through the Application or Website and to enable You to use some of its features. They help to authenticate users and prevent fraudulent use of user accounts. Without these Cookies, the services that You have asked for cannot be provided, and We only use these Cookies to provide You with those services.Cookies Policy / Notice Acceptance Cookies
Type: Persistent Cookies
Administered by: Us
Purpose: These Cookies identify if users have accepted the use of cookies on the Application or Website.Functionality Cookies
Type: Persistent Cookies
Administered by: Us
Purpose: These Cookies allow us to remember choices You make when You use the Application or Website, such as remembering your login details or language preference. The purpose of these Cookies is to provide You with a more personal experience and to avoid You having to re-enter your preferences every time You use the Application or Website.Tracking and Performance Cookies
Type: Persistent Cookies
Administered by: Third-Parties
Purpose: These Cookies are used to track information about traffic to the Application or Website and how users use the Application or Website. The information gathered via these Cookies may directly or indirectly identify you as an individual visitor. This is because the information collected is typically linked to a pseudonymous identifier associated with the device you use to access the Application or Website. We may also use these Cookies to test new pages, features or new functionality of the Application or Website to see how our users react to them.
3.2 - Use of Your Personal Data
The Company or Operator may use Personal Data for the following purposes:
To provide and maintain our Service, including to monitor the usage of our Service.
To manage Your Account: to manage Your registration as a user of the Service. The Personal Data You provide can give You access to different functionalities of the Service that are available to You as a registered user.
For the performance of a contract: the development, compliance and undertaking of the purchase contract for the products, items or services You have purchased or of any other contract with Us through the Service.
To contact You: To contact You by email, telephone calls, SMS, or other equivalent forms of electronic communication, such as a mobile application's push notifications regarding updates or informative communications related to the functionalities, products or contracted services, including the security updates, when necessary or reasonable for their implementation.
To provide You with news, special offers and general information about other goods, services and events which we offer that are similar to those that you have already purchased or enquired about unless You have opted not to receive such information.
To manage Your requests: To attend and manage Your requests to Us.
To deliver targeted advertising to You: We may use Your information to develop and display content and advertising (and work with third-party vendors who do so) tailored to Your interests and/or location and to measure its effectiveness.
For business transfers: We may use Your information to evaluate or conduct a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some or all of Our assets, whether as a going concern or as part of bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding, in which Personal Data held by Us about our Service users is among the assets transferred.
For other purposes: We may use Your information for other purposes, such as data analysis, identifying usage trends, determining the effectiveness of our promotional campaigns and to evaluate and improve our Service, products, services, marketing and your experience.
We may share Your personal information in the following situations:
With Service Providers: We may share Your personal information with Service Providers to monitor and analyze the use of our Service, to advertise on third party websites to You after You visited our Service, for payment processing, to contact You.
For business transfers: We may share or transfer Your personal information in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of Company or Operator assets, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of Our business to another company.
With Affiliates: We may share Your information with Our affiliates, in which case we will require those affiliates to honor this Privacy Policy. Affiliates include Our parent company and any other subsidiaries, joint venture partners or other companies that We control or that are under common control with Us.
With business partners: We may share Your information with Our business partners to offer You certain products, services or promotions.
With other users: when You share personal information or otherwise interact in the public areas with other users, such information may be viewed by all users and may be publicly distributed outside. If You interact with other users or register through a Third-Party Social Media Service, Your contacts on the Third-Party Social Media Service may see Your name, profile, pictures and description of Your activity. Similarly, other users will be able to view descriptions of Your activity, communicate with You and view Your profile.
With Your consent: We may disclose Your personal information for any other purpose with Your consent.
3.3 - Retention of Your Personal Data
The Company or Operator will retain Your Personal Data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We will retain and use Your Personal Data to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations (for example, if we are required to retain your data to comply with applicable laws), resolve disputes, and enforce our legal agreements and policies.
The Company or Operator will also retain Usage Data for internal analysis purposes. Usage Data is generally retained for a shorter period of time, except when this data is used to strengthen the security or to improve the functionality of Our Service, or We are legally obligated to retain this data for longer time periods.
When Your Personal Data is no longer required by law or rights or obligations by Us or You, We will delete the Personal Data. In most cases, Personal Data will be deleted upon termination or expiry of the agreement between the You and the Company or Operator or upon Your written request.
3.4 - Transfer of Your Personal Data
Your information, including Personal Data, is processed at the Company’s or Operator's operating offices and in any other places where the parties involved in the processing are located. It means that this information may be transferred to — and maintained on — computers located outside of Your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where the data protection laws may differ from those from Your jurisdiction.
Your consent to this Privacy Policy followed by Your submission of such information represents Your agreement to that transfer.
The Company or Operator will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that Your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and no transfer of Your Personal Data will take place to an organization or a country unless there are adequate controls in place including the security of Your data and other personal information.
3.5 - Delete Your Personal Data
You have the right to delete or request that We assist in deleting the Personal Data that We have collected about You.
Our Service may give You the ability to delete certain information about You from within the Service.
You may update, amend, or delete Your information at any time by signing in to Your Account, if you have one, and visiting the account settings section that allows you to manage Your personal information. You may also contact Us to request access to, correct, or delete any personal information that You have provided to Us.
Please note, however, that We may need to retain certain information when we have a legal obligation or lawful basis to do so.
3.6 - Disclosure of Your Personal Data
3.6.1 - Business Transactions
If the Company or Operator is involved in a merger, acquisition or asset sale, Your Personal Data may be transferred. We will provide notice before Your Personal Data is transferred and becomes subject to a different Privacy Policy.
3.6.2 - Law enforcement
Under certain circumstances, the Company or Operator may be required to disclose Your Personal Data if required to do so by law or in response to valid requests by public authorities (e.g. a court or a government agency).
3.6.3 - Other legal requirements
The Company or Operator may disclose Your Personal Data in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to:
Comply with a legal obligation
Protect and defend the rights or property of the Company or Operator
Prevent or investigate possible wrongdoing in connection with the Service
Protect the personal safety of Users of the Service or the public
Protect against legal liability
3.7 - Security of Your Personal Data
The security of Your Personal Data is important to Us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While We strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect Your Personal Data, We cannot guarantee its absolute security.
4 - Detailed Information on the Processing of Your Personal Data
The Service Providers We use may have access to Your Personal Data. These third-party vendors collect, store, use, process and transfer information about Your activity on Our Service in accordance with their Privacy Policies.
4.1 - Analytics
We may use third-party Service providers to monitor and analyze the use of our Service. They may include, but are not limited to:
Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. Google uses the data collected to track and monitor the use of our Service. This data is shared with other Google services. Google may use the collected data to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network.
You can opt-out of having made your activity on the Service available to Google Analytics by installing the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on. The add-on prevents the Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js and dc.js) from sharing information with Google Analytics about visits activity.
You may opt-out of certain Google Analytics features through your mobile device settings, such as your device advertising settings or by following the instructions provided by Google in their Privacy Policy:
For more information on the privacy practices of Google, please visit the Google Privacy & Terms web page:
Matomo is a web analytics service. You can visit their Privacy Policy page here:
Fathom is a web analytics service. You can visit their Privacy Policy page here:
4.2 - Email Marketing
We may use Your Personal Data to contact You with newsletters, marketing or promotional materials and other information that may be of interest to You. You may opt-out of receiving any, or all, of these communications from Us by following the unsubscribe link or instructions provided in any email We send or by contacting Us.
We may use Email Marketing Service Providers to manage and send emails to You. They may include, but are not limited to:
Mailchimp is an email marketing sending service provided by The Rocket Science Group LLC.
For more information on the privacy practices of Mailchimp, please visit their Privacy policy:
4.3 - Payments
We may provide paid products and/or services within the Service. In that case, we may use third-party services for payment processing (e.g. payment processors).
We will not store or collect Your payment card details. That information is provided directly to Our third-party payment processors whose use of Your personal information is governed by their Privacy Policy. These payment processors adhere to the standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which is a joint effort of brands like Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. PCI-DSS requirements help ensure the secure handling of payment information.
They may include, but are not limited to:
Their Privacy Policy can be viewed at
Their Privacy Policy can be viewed at
4.4 - Behavioral Remarketing
The Company or Operator uses remarketing services to advertise to You after You accessed or visited our Service. We and Our third-party vendors use cookies and non-cookie technologies to help Us recognize Your Device and understand how You use our Service so that We can improve our Service to reflect Your interests and serve You advertisements that are likely to be of more interest to You.
These third-party vendors collect, store, use, process and transfer information about Your activity on Our Service in accordance with their Privacy Policies and to enable Us to:
Measure and analyze traffic and browsing activity on Our Service
Show advertisements for our products and/or services to You on third-party websites or apps
Measure and analyze the performance of Our advertising campaigns
Some of these third-party vendors may use non-cookie technologies that may not be impacted by browser settings that block cookies. Your browser may not permit You to block such technologies. You can use the following third-party tools to decline the collection and use of information for the purpose of serving You interest-based advertising:
The NAI's opt-out platform:
The EDAA's opt-out platform
The DAA's opt-out platform:
You may opt-out of all personalized advertising by enabling privacy features on Your mobile device such as Limit Ad Tracking (iOS) and Opt Out of Ads Personalization (Android). See Your mobile device Help system for more information.
We may share information, such as hashed email addresses (if available) or other online identifiers collected on Our Service with these third-party vendors. This allows Our third-party vendors to recognize and deliver You ads across devices and browsers. To read more about the technologies used by these third-party vendors and their cross-device capabilities please refer to the Privacy Policy of each vendor listed below.
The third-party vendors We may use are, but are not limited to:
Google Ads (AdWords)
Google Ads (AdWords) remarketing service is provided by Google Inc.
You can opt-out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customise the Google Display Network ads by visiting the Google Ads Settings page:
Google also recommends installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on - - for your web browser. Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on provides visitors with the ability to prevent their data from being collected and used by Google Analytics.
For more information on the privacy practices of Google, please visit the Google Privacy & Terms web page:
Twitter remarketing service is provided by Twitter Inc.
You can opt-out from Twitter's interest-based ads by following their instructions:
You can learn more about the privacy practices and policies of Twitter by visiting their Privacy Policy page: / Meta
Facebook or Meta remarketing service is provided by Facebook Inc. and Meta Inc.
You can learn more about interest-based advertising from Facebook by visiting this page:
To opt-out from Facebook's interest-based ads, follow these instructions from Facebook:
Facebook adheres to the Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioural Advertising established by the Digital Advertising Alliance. You can also opt-out from Facebook and other participating companies through the Digital Advertising Alliance in the USA, the Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada in Canada or the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance in Europe, or opt-out using your mobile device settings.
For more information on the privacy practices of Facebook, please visit Facebook's Data Policy:
Pinterest remarketing service is provided by Pinterest Inc.
You can opt-out from Pinterest's interest-based ads by enabling the "Do Not Track" functionality of your web browser or by following Pinterest instructions:
You can learn more about the privacy practices and policies of Pinterest by visiting their Privacy Policy page:
4.5 - Usage, Performance and Miscellaneous
We may use third-party Service Providers to provide better improvement of our Service. They may include, but are not limited to:
Their Privacy Policy can be viewed at Messenger
Their Privacy Policy can be viewed at
Their Privacy Policy can be viewed at
Their Privacy Policy can be viewed at
5 - Links to Other Websites
Our Service may contain links to other websites that are not operated by Us. If You click on a third party link, You will be directed to that third party's site. We strongly advise You to review the Privacy Policy of every site You visit.
We have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third party sites or services.
6 - GDPR Privacy
6.1 - Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data under GDPR
We may process Personal Data under the following conditions:
Consent: You have given Your consent for processing Personal Data for one or more specific purposes.
Performance of a contract: Provision of Personal Data is necessary for the performance of an agreement with You and/or for any pre-contractual obligations thereof.
Legal obligations: Processing Personal Data is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the Company or Operator is subject.
Vital interests: Processing Personal Data is necessary in order to protect Your vital interests or of another natural person.
Public interests: Processing Personal Data is related to a task that is carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the Company or Operator.
Legitimate interests: Processing Personal Data is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Company or Operator.
In any case, the Company or Operator will gladly help to clarify the specific legal basis that applies to the processing, and in particular whether the provision of Personal Data is a statutory or contractual requirement, or a requirement necessary to enter into a contract.
6.2 - Your Rights under the GDPR
The Company or Operator undertakes to respect the confidentiality of Your Personal Data and to guarantee You can exercise Your rights.
You have the right under this Privacy Policy, and by law if You are within the EU, to:
Request access to Your Personal Data. The right to access, update or delete the information We have on You. Whenever made possible, you can access, update or request deletion of Your Personal Data directly within Your account settings section. If you are unable to perform these actions yourself, please contact Us to assist You. This also enables You to receive a copy of the Personal Data We hold about You.
Request correction of the Personal Data that We hold about You. You have the right to have any incomplete or inaccurate information We hold about You corrected.
Object to processing of Your Personal Data. This right exists where We are relying on a legitimate interest as the legal basis for Our processing and there is something about Your particular situation, which makes You want to object to our processing of Your Personal Data on this ground. You also have the right to object where We are processing Your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes.
Request erasure of Your Personal Data. You have the right to ask Us to delete or remove Personal Data when there is no good reason for Us to continue processing it.
Request the transfer of Your Personal Data. We will provide to You, or to a third-party You have chosen, Your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format. Please note that this right only applies to automated information which You initially provided consent for Us to use or where We used the information to perform a contract with You.
Withdraw Your consent. You have the right to withdraw Your consent on using your Personal Data. If You withdraw Your consent, We may not be able to provide You with access to certain specific functionalities of the Service.
6.3 - Exercising of Your GDPR Data Protection Rights
You may exercise Your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by contacting Us. Please note that we may ask You to verify Your identity before responding to such requests. If You make a request, We will try our best to respond to You as soon as possible.
You have the right to complain to a Data Protection Authority about Our collection and use of Your Personal Data. For more information, if You are in the European Economic Area (EEA), please contact Your local data protection authority in the EEA.
7 - CCPA, CalOPPA, and California Privacy Rights
This privacy notice section for California residents supplements the information contained in Our Privacy Policy and it applies solely to all visitors, users, and others who reside in the State of California.
7.1 - Categories of Personal Information Collected
We collect information that identifies, relates to, describes, references, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular Consumer or Device. The following is a list of categories of personal information which we may collect or may have been collected from California residents within the last twelve (12) months.
Please note that the categories and examples provided in the list below are those defined in the CCPA. This does not mean that all examples of that category of personal information were in fact collected by Us, but reflects our good faith belief to the best of our knowledge that some of that information from the applicable category may be and may have been collected. For example, certain categories of personal information would only be collected if You provided such personal information directly to Us.
Category A: Identifiers.
Examples: A real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, driver's license number, passport number, or other similar identifiers.
Collected: Yes.Category B: Personal information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e)).
Examples: A name, signature, Social Security number, physical characteristics or description, address, telephone number, passport number, driver's license or state identification card number, insurance policy number, education, employment, employment history, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number, or any other financial information, medical information, or health insurance information. Some personal information included in this category may overlap with other categories.
Collected: Yes.Category C: Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law.
Examples: Age (40 years or older), race, color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, religion or creed, marital status, medical condition, physical or mental disability, sex (including gender, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy or childbirth and related medical conditions), sexual orientation, veteran or military status, genetic information (including familial genetic information).
Collected: No.Category D: Commercial information.
Examples: Records and history of products or services purchased or considered.
Collected: Yes.Category E: Biometric information.
Examples: Genetic, physiological, behavioral, and biological characteristics, or activity patterns used to extract a template or other identifier or identifying information, such as, fingerprints, faceprints, and voiceprints, iris or retina scans, keystroke, gait, or other physical patterns, and sleep, health, or exercise data.
Collected: No.Category F: Internet or other similar network activity.
Examples: Interaction with our Service or advertisement.
Collected: Yes.Category G: Geolocation data.
Examples: Approximate physical location.
Collected: No.Category H: Sensory data.
Examples: Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information.
Collected: No.Category I: Professional or employment-related information.
Examples: Current or past job history or performance evaluations.
Collected: No.Category J: Non-public education information (per the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Section 1232g, 34 C.F.R. Part 99)).
Examples: Education records directly related to a student maintained by an educational institution or party acting on its behalf, such as grades, transcripts, class lists, student schedules, student identification codes, student financial information, or student disciplinary records.
Collected: No.Category K: Inferences drawn from other personal information.
Examples: Profile reflecting a person's preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes.
Collected: No.
Under CCPA, personal information does not include:
Publicly available information from government records
Deidentified or aggregated consumer information
Information excluded from the CCPA's scope, such as:
Health or medical information covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and the California Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (CMIA) or clinical trial data
Personal Information covered by certain sector-specific privacy laws, including the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FRCA), the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) or California Financial Information Privacy Act (FIPA), and the Driver's Privacy Protection Act of 1994
7.2 - Sources of Personal Information
We obtain the categories of personal information listed above from the following categories of sources:
Directly from You. For example, from the forms You complete on our Service, preferences You express or provide through our Service, or from Your purchases on our Service.
Indirectly from You. For example, from observing Your activity on our Service.
Automatically from You. For example, through cookies We or our Service Providers set on Your Device as You navigate through our Service.
From Service Providers. For example, third-party vendors to monitor and analyze the use of our Service, third-party vendors to deliver targeted advertising to You, third-party vendors for payment processing, or other third-party vendors that We use to provide the Service to You.
7.3 - Use of Personal Information for Business Purposes or Commercial Purposes
We may use or disclose personal information We collect for "business purposes" or "commercial purposes" (as defined under the CCPA), which may include the following examples:
To operate our Service and provide You with our Service.
To provide You with support and to respond to Your inquiries, including to investigate and address Your concerns and monitor and improve our Service.
To fulfill or meet the reason You provided the information. For example, if You share Your contact information to ask a question about our Service, We will use that personal information to respond to Your inquiry. If You provide Your personal information to purchase a product or service, We will use that information to process Your payment and facilitate delivery.
To respond to law enforcement requests and as required by applicable law, court order, or governmental regulations.
As described to You when collecting Your personal information or as otherwise set forth in the CCPA.
For internal administrative and auditing purposes.
To detect security incidents and protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity, including, when necessary, to prosecute those responsible for such activities.
Please note that the examples provided above are illustrative and not intended to be exhaustive. For more details on how we use this information, please refer to the "Use of Your Personal Data" section.
If We decide to collect additional categories of personal information or use the personal information We collected for materially different, unrelated, or incompatible purposes We will update this Privacy Policy.
7.4 - Disclosure of Personal Information for Business Purposes or Commercial Purposes
We may use or disclose and may have used or disclosed in the last twelve (12) months the following categories of personal information for business or commercial purposes:
Category A: Identifiers
Category B: Personal information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e))
Category D: Commercial information
Category F: Internet or other similar network activity
Please note that the categories listed above are those defined in the CCPA. This does not mean that all examples of that category of personal information were in fact disclosed, but reflects our good faith belief to the best of our knowledge that some of that information from the applicable category may be and may have been disclosed.
When We disclose personal information for a business purpose or a commercial purpose, We enter a contract that describes the purpose and requires the recipient to both keep that personal information confidential and not use it for any purpose except performing the contract.
7.5 - Sale of Personal Information
As defined in the CCPA, "sell" and "sale" mean selling, renting, releasing, disclosing, disseminating, making available, transferring, or otherwise communicating orally, in writing, or by electronic or other means, a consumer's personal information by the business to a third party for valuable consideration. This means that We may have received some kind of benefit in return for sharing personal information, but not necessarily a monetary benefit.
Please note that the categories listed below are those defined in the CCPA. This does not mean that all examples of that category of personal information were in fact sold, but reflects our good faith belief to the best of our knowledge that some of that information from the applicable category may be and may have been shared for value in return.
We may sell and may have sold in the last twelve (12) months the following categories of personal information:
Category A: Identifiers
Category B: Personal information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e))
Category D: Commercial information
Category F: Internet or other similar network activity
7.6 - Share of Personal Information
We may share Your personal information identified in the above categories with the following categories of third parties:
Service Providers
Payment processors
Our affiliates
Our business partners
Third party vendors to whom You or Your agents authorize Us to disclose Your personal information in connection with products or services We provide to You
7.7 - Sale of Personal Information of Minors Under 16 Years of Age
We do not knowingly collect personal information from minors under the age of 16 through our Service, although certain third party websites that we link to may do so. These third-party websites have their own terms of use and privacy policies and we encourage parents and legal guardians to monitor their children's Internet usage and instruct their children to never provide information on other websites without their permission.
We do not sell the personal information of Consumers We actually know are less than 16 years of age, unless We receive affirmative authorization (the "right to opt-in") from either the Consumer who is between 13 and 16 years of age, or the parent or guardian of a Consumer less than 13 years of age. Consumers who opt-in to the sale of personal information may opt-out of future sales at any time. To exercise the right to opt-out, You (or Your authorized representative) may submit a request to Us by contacting Us.
If You have reason to believe that a child under the age of 13 (or 16) has provided Us with personal information, please contact Us with sufficient detail to enable Us to delete that information.
7.8 - Your Rights under the CCPA
The CCPA provides California residents with specific rights regarding their personal information. If You are a resident of California, You have the following rights:
The right to notice. You have the right to be notified which categories of Personal Data are being collected and the purposes for which the Personal Data is being used.
The right to request. Under CCPA, You have the right to request that We disclose information to You about Our collection, use, sale, disclosure for business purposes and share of personal information. Once We receive and confirm Your request, We will disclose to You:
The categories of personal information We collected about You
The categories of sources for the personal information We collected about You
Our business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling that personal information
The categories of third parties with whom We share that personal information
The specific pieces of personal information We collected about You
If we sold Your personal information or disclosed Your personal information for a business purpose, We will disclose to You:
The categories of personal information categories sold
The categories of personal information categories disclosed
The right to say no to the sale of Personal Data (opt-out). You have the right to direct Us to not sell Your personal information. To submit an opt-out request please contact Us.
The right to delete Personal Data. You have the right to request the deletion of Your Personal Data, subject to certain exceptions. Once We receive and confirm Your request, We will delete (and direct Our Service Providers to delete) Your personal information from our records, unless an exception applies. We may deny Your deletion request if retaining the information is necessary for Us or Our Service Providers to:
Complete the transaction for which We collected the personal information, provide a good or service that You requested, take actions reasonably anticipated within the context of our ongoing business relationship with You, or otherwise perform our contract with You.
Detect security incidents, protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, or prosecute those responsible for such activities.
Debug products to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality.
Exercise free speech, ensure the right of another consumer to exercise their free speech rights, or exercise another right provided for by law.
Comply with the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act (Cal. Penal Code § 1546 et. seq.).
Engage in public or peer-reviewed scientific, historical, or statistical research in the public interest that adheres to all other applicable ethics and privacy laws, when the information's deletion may likely render impossible or seriously impair the research's achievement, if You previously provided informed consent.
Enable solely internal uses that are reasonably aligned with consumer expectations based on Your relationship with Us.
Comply with a legal obligation.
Make other internal and lawful uses of that information that are compatible with the context in which You provided it.
The right not to be discriminated against. You have the right not to be discriminated against for exercising any of Your consumer's rights, including by:
Denying goods or services to You
Charging different prices or rates for goods or services, including the use of discounts or other benefits or imposing penalties
Providing a different level or quality of goods or services to You
Suggesting that You will receive a different price or rate for goods or services or a different level or quality of goods or services
7.9 - Exercising Your CCPA Data Protection Rights
In order to exercise any of Your rights under the CCPA, and if You are a California resident, You can contact Us.
Only You, or a person registered with the California Secretary of State that You authorize to act on Your behalf, may make a verifiable request related to Your personal information.
Your request to Us must:
Provide sufficient information that allows Us to reasonably verify You are the person about whom We collected personal information or an authorized representative
Describe Your request with sufficient detail that allows Us to properly understand, evaluate, and respond to it
We cannot respond to Your request or provide You with the required information if We cannot:
Verify Your identity or authority to make the request
And confirm that the personal information relates to You
We will disclose and deliver the required information free of charge within 45 days of receiving Your verifiable request. The time period to provide the required information may be extended once by an additional 45 days when reasonably necessary and with prior notice.
Any disclosures We provide will only cover the 12-month period preceding the verifiable request's receipt.
For data portability requests, We will select a format to provide Your personal information that is readily usable and should allow You to transmit the information from one entity to another entity without hindrance.
7.10 - Do Not Sell My Personal Information
You have the right to opt-out of the sale of Your personal information. Once We receive and confirm a verifiable consumer request from You, we will stop selling Your personal information. To exercise Your right to opt-out, please contact Us.
The Service Providers we partner with (for example, our analytics or advertising partners) may use technology on the Service that sells personal information as defined by the CCPA law. If you wish to opt out of the use of Your personal information for interest-based advertising purposes and these potential sales as defined under CCPA law, you may do so by following the instructions below.
Please note that any opt out is specific to the browser You use. You may need to opt out on every browser that You use.
7.10.1 - Website
You can opt out of receiving ads that are personalized as served by our Service Providers by following our instructions presented on the Service:
The NAI's opt-out platform:
The EDAA's opt-out platform
The DAA's opt-out platform:
The opt out will place a cookie on Your computer that is unique to the browser You use to opt out. If you change browsers or delete the cookies saved by your browser, You will need to opt out again.
7.10.2 - Mobile Devices
Your mobile device may give You the ability to opt out of the use of information about the apps You use in order to serve You ads that are targeted to Your interests:
"Opt out of Interest-Based Ads" or "Opt out of Ads Personalization" on Android devices
"Limit Ad Tracking" on iOS devices
You can also stop the collection of location information from Your mobile device by changing the preferences on Your mobile device.
7.11 - "Do Not Track" Policy as Required by California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA)
Our Service does not respond to Do Not Track signals.
However, some third party websites do keep track of Your browsing activities. If You are visiting such websites, You can set Your preferences in Your web browser to inform websites that You do not want to be tracked. You can enable or disable DNT by visiting the preferences or settings page of Your web browser.
7.12 - Your California Privacy Rights (California's Shine the Light law)
Under California Civil Code Section 1798 (California's Shine the Light law), California residents with an established business relationship with us can request information once a year about sharing their Personal Data with third parties for the third parties' direct marketing purposes.
If you'd like to request more information under the California Shine the Light law, and if You are a California resident, You can contact Us using the contact information provided below.
8 - Children's and Minor Users Privacy Rights
8.1 - General Privacy Rights for Children
Our Service does not address anyone under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 13. If You are a parent or guardian and You are aware that Your child has provided Us with Personal Data, please contact Us. If We become aware that We have collected Personal Data from anyone under the age of 13 without verification of parental consent, We take steps to remove that information from Our servers.
If We need to rely on consent as a legal basis for processing Your information and Your country requires consent from a parent, We may require Your parent's consent before We collect and use that information.
8.2 - California Privacy Rights for Minor Users (California Business and Professions Code Section 22581)
California Business and Professions Code Section 22581 allows California residents under the age of 18 who are registered users of online sites, services or applications to request and obtain removal of content or information they have publicly posted.
To request removal of such data, and if You are a California resident, You can contact Us using the contact information provided below, and include the email address associated with Your account.
Be aware that Your request does not guarantee complete or comprehensive removal of content or information posted online and that the law may not permit or require removal in certain circumstances.
9 - Changes to this Privacy Policy
We may update Our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify You of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.
We will let You know via email and/or a prominent notice on Our Service, prior to the change becoming effective and update the "Last updated" date at the top of this Privacy Policy.
You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.
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